
Skin & Laser Center of NJ

Injectable Sub Dermal

Relax Key Facial Muscles to Target Fine Lines and Wrinkles in New Jersey

Aging is a gift, but the fine lines and wrinkles that come with aging don’t always feel like something to celebrate. Dysport® gives New Jersey-area women and men who are interested in gently turning back the clock a nonsurgical option to reduce facial signs of aging. Like BOTOX®, Dysport® is an injectable treatment made from botulinum toxin A to relax facial muscles that tend to produce dynamic wrinkles. Over the course of a lifetime, we make countless facial expressions, which eventually causes the formation of unwanted lines, even when the face is at rest. Dysport® relaxes the muscles responsible, smoothing out the skin and ultimately leading to a more youthful appearance.

Dysport® treatments are fast and effective, with results often visible within a few days of a session. While this minimally invasive procedure is popular—with no downtime and very few side effects—it’s still essential to seek treatment from a provider with medical experience and an extensive understanding of skin care. For the best aesthetic outcome and peace of mind, the team at Skin & Laser Center of NJ is here to discuss how Dysport® can help you achieve your cosmetic goals.



Learn more about Dysport® at New Jersey’s Skin & Laser Center of NJ. Call 201-500-7525 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.
Dr. Jocelyn Lieb

Dr. Jocelyn Lieb

In late 2016 she founded the Skin & Laser Center of NJ, LLC in Mahwah, NJ where she continues to treat her medical and cosmetic patients, and further pursues her interest in laser medicine. Dr. Lieb’s mission is to provide high quality dermatologic care using up-to-date medical information and cutting edge technology in an efficiently run practice. Dr. Lieb is board certified in dermatology, is a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, a member of the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery, and the New Jersey Dermatologic Society. Dr. Lieb is a Staff Dermatologist at The Valley Hospital in Ridgewood.

We believe in accessible skin care for everyone.

Q & A

Commonly Asked Questions

Which Areas of the Face Does Dysport® Treat?

Because Dysport® is most effective at targeting dynamic wrinkles, there are several areas of the face where the treatments can have a significant impact. At Skin & Laser Center of NJ, we use Dysport® to address the following concerns:

  • Glabellar lines (commonly known as frown lines) that form between the eyebrows
  • Horizontal lines across the forehead
  • Crow’s feet that form in the outer corners of the eyes
  • Smokers’ lines (also known as lipstick lines) that appear as fine vertical lines around the mouth
  • Vertical (platysmal) bands on the neck
  • Gummy smile, where an excessive amount of gum tissue is visible above the teeth, caused by overactive lip muscles that lift the lip too high when smiling
  • Wide jaw due to pronounced masseters
  • Dimply chin
  • Lower-face aging (via a Nefertiti lift that focuses on the jaw, neck, and general lower face area)
  • Downturned corners of the mouth (targeting the DAO, or Depressor Anguli Oris muscle)

While a Dysport® treatment at Skin & Laser Center of NJ is a simple and safe procedure, there are steps you can take before your appointment to help achieve the best possible aesthetic outcome. When it comes to timing, if you’re obtaining Dysport® in anticipation of a special event, it’s best to schedule your procedure two to three weeks prior to the occasion, as the results will be in full effect at that point.

Prior to your Dysport® treatment, there are a few steps you can take to maximize your results. One week before your appointment, it’s beneficial to abstain from cigarettes and alcohol, both of which can impede your skin’s ability to heal. Several days before your appointment, you should avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like aspirin—if it is medically safe for you to do so. You should arrive at your appointment with a clean, cosmetic-free face, or you can cleanse it at our office.

A Dysport® injection session lasts about 10 minutes, though the actual injection process only takes a few seconds. Your injector will examine your face, identify the ideal injection sites, and carefully administer your Dysport® injections. After that, you will be able to return to your normal routine as soon as you’d like—though it is beneficial to avoid strenuous activity for at least four hours after your appointment. You may experience some redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection site, but these effects should be mild and subside within a few days. It’s important to keep your head upright for four hours right after your treatment. It is rare that a headache develops, but if one does, it should resolve in a few days.

You may start to see the results of your Dysport® treatment within 24 hours, though the full impact may take two weeks to materialize. Results vary from patient to patient, but the beneficial effects should last for three to four months, on average.

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Ready to schedule a consultation to discuss Dysport® at New Jersey’s Skin & Laser Center of NJ?

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500 N Franklin Tpke Suite 318,
Ramsey, NJ 07446, United States

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