Sclerotherapy & Other Vein Treatments

Skin & Laser Center of NJ


Remove Unsightly Spider Veins at Skin & Laser Center of NJ

Spider veins, also referred to as telangiectasias or thread veins, are extremely common on the legs, affecting roughly half of women and men over 50 years old. These damaged blood vessels manifest as red, blue, or purple lines branching just below the skin’s surface. The damaged blood vessels are not dangerous, though in rare cases they may cause a burning or itching sensation. While there’s rarely a medical requirement to remove spider veins, many patients are uncomfortable or embarrassed about their appearance, which may even impact their decisions about what to wear. The providers offering sclerotherapy and other vein treatments at Skin & Laser Center of NJ have extensive experience helping patients achieve their goal of clear skin free of visible spider veins.

There are several causes of spider veins, but some influencing factors include genetics, obesity, hormones, a history of blood clots, and occupations that require standing for long periods of time. Fortunately, sclerotherapy and other vein treatments offer a lasting solution to unwanted spider veins. Sclerotherapy is a highly effective procedure that involves injecting a sterile solution into a damaged vein with a very fine needle. In the following weeks, the vein begins to disappear. The entire process takes less than an hour and can be completed during a lunch break. Sclerotherapy is effective in 75 to 90 percent of cases.



Learn more about sclerotherapy and other vein treatments at New Jersey’s Skin & Laser Center of NJ. Call 201-500-7525 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.
Dr. Jocelyn Lieb

Dr. Jocelyn Lieb

In late 2016 she founded the Skin & Laser Center of NJ, LLC in Mahwah, NJ where she continues to treat her medical and cosmetic patients, and further pursues her interest in laser medicine. Dr. Lieb’s mission is to provide high quality dermatologic care using up-to-date medical information and cutting edge technology in an efficiently run practice. Dr. Lieb is board certified in dermatology, is a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, a member of the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery, and the New Jersey Dermatologic Society. Dr. Lieb is a Staff Dermatologist at The Valley Hospital in Ridgewood.

We believe in accessible skin care for everyone.

Q & A

Commonly Asked Questions

What Should I Expect During a Sclerotherapy Treatment at Skin & Laser Center of NJ?

Sclerotherapy is performed at Skin & Laser Center of NJ’s facility in Ramsey, New Jersey. Your provider will ask you to arrive wearing loose clothing that provides easy access to the spider veins being treated. This treatment does not require anesthesia. The providers request you bring compression stockings to the appointment so they can be put on right after.

The provider will inject the sclerosant—sodium tetradecyl sulfate—into the vein. Some patients experience some small pinches and itching during this process, but it is generally minor and well tolerated. The amount of time this process requires depends on how many veins are being treated at any given time, but generally it takes between half an hour to an hour.

Following your sclerotherapy treatment at Skin & Laser Center of NJ, you must wear your compression stockings for two weeks. You can resume your normal routine, whether that’s returning to work, running errands, or visiting with friends or family. Your provider will recommend walking after your procedure to help prevent the formation of blood clots, but strenuous exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for the first 48 hours after treatment. During this period, showers are better than baths, and patients should avoid hot tubs, saunas, and swimming pools.

You may experience some physical discomfort and/or itching, which can be addressed with acetaminophen or ibuprofen. It’s normal to experience some bruising and swelling in the area, but this should resolve within two to three weeks.

The injected sclerosing agent irritates the vein, causing it to seal off from the rest of the circulatory system. In the weeks after a session, the now useless vessel will become less visible and break down. Typically, one to three treatments may be needed.

Laser vein treatments are another strategy for treating spider veins and smaller varicose veins. These use light to heat and collapse the veins. Talk to our providers about which option would be best for you.

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Ready to schedule your consultation to discuss sclerotherapy and other vein treatments at New Jersey’s Skin & Laser Center of NJ?

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500 N Franklin Tpke Suite 318,
Ramsey, NJ 07446, United States

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