
Skin & Laser Center of NJ

Medical Molluscum

Get Healthier, Smoother Skin in New Jersey

Molluscum contagiosum is a common skin disease accounting for roughly one percent of all skin diagnoses worldwide. Caused by a virus that spreads from person to person, this disease is characterized by bumps that appear as small, firm, dome-shaped growths. Patients can get molluscum contagiosum by sharing towels or clothing. Wrestlers and gymnasts may get it by touching infected mats. Children are most likely to develop this skin disease, but it can occur at any age. When it comes to molluscum contagiosum, New Jersey’s Skin & Laser Center of NJ offers several noninvasive treatment options.

The only sign of molluscum contagiosum is pink or flesh-colored bumps that can appear anywhere on the skin. These bumps often appear around seven weeks after exposure to the virus, though it can take longer. Most people develop about 10 to 20 bumps. It is possible to continue to develop new bumps over the course of one to two years. Fortunately, treatment of these lesions can shorten the course of the infection, prevent spread to other parts of the body, and prevent spread to others.



Learn more about treatment for molluscum contagiosum at New Jersey’s Skin & Laser Center of NJ. Call 201-500-7525 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.
Dr. Jocelyn Lieb

Dr. Jocelyn Lieb

In late 2016 she founded the Skin & Laser Center of NJ, LLC in Mahwah, NJ where she continues to treat her medical and cosmetic patients, and further pursues her interest in laser medicine. Dr. Lieb’s mission is to provide high quality dermatologic care using up-to-date medical information and cutting edge technology in an efficiently run practice. Dr. Lieb is board certified in dermatology, is a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, a member of the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery, and the New Jersey Dermatologic Society. Dr. Lieb is a Staff Dermatologist at The Valley Hospital in Ridgewood.

We believe in accessible skin care for everyone.

Q & A

Commonly Asked Questions

What Are the Signs of Molluscum Contagiosum?

Patients experiencing a molluscum contagiosum outbreak typically experience some variation of the following symptoms:

  • Small, firm, dome-shaped growths
  • A surface that feels smooth, waxy, or pearly
  • Flesh-colored or pink bumps
  • Growths with a dimple in the center, which may be filled with a thick, white substance that is cheesy or waxy

Note that the bumps are usually painless, but some bumps itch, especially if you develop a rash around them. Lesions may also turn red as the immune system fights the virus, which is when you can develop an itchy rash.

A provider at Skin & Laser Center of NJ can often diagnose molluscum contagiosum by a simple visual examination of the skin. The bumps associated with this condition can look like warts, chicken pox, and even skin cancer, so getting an accurate diagnosis is crucial before any treatment begins. Your provider may scrape off a bit of infected skin so it can be examined under a microscope in a process known as a biopsy.

After a positive molluscum contagiosum diagnosis, the following treatment options are available to address the bumps:

  • Cryosurgery: The provider freezes the bumps with liquid nitrogen; this may need to be repeated every four to six weeks until the lesions are gone.
  • Curettage: The provider uses a small tool called a curette to scrape the bumps from the skin; this removes the virus from the bump and causes the bump to heal. Treatment may need to be repeated every four to six weeks until the lesions are gone.
  • Topical (applied to the skin) therapy: Your provider can apply various acids and blistering solutions to destroy the bumps. These work by destroying the top layer of skin.
  • Retinoid creams: Prescription creams can be applied at home, irritating the skin, prompting your immune system to fight the virus.
  • Imiquimod cream: This prescription cream can be applied at home and helps your immune system fight the virus.
Molluscum bumps typically form in clusters. Other common skin growths include red-pigmented cherry angiomas and darker-tinted moles. Contact the Skin & Laser Center of NJ to get an accurate diagnosis and the appropriate treatment for any unusual bumps or lesions that develop.

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