Skin Tags

Skin & Laser Center of NJ


Remove Unsightly Skin Growths in New Jersey

More than 50 percent of adults develop skin tags at some point. These benign skin growths are not cancerous and do not increase a patient’s odds of developing skin cancer. Also known as cutaneous tags, soft fibromas, acrochordons, and fibroepithelial polyps, they are usually flesh-colored, though some may be darker. They are generally small in size and can appear anywhere on the body, though they’re most likely to appear on the eyelids, neck, groin, armpits, and beneath the breasts. When it comes to skin tags, New Jersey’s Skin & Laser Center of NJ explains that some people have a single growth, while others have several.

Skin tags tend to appear where the skin experiences friction, either against other skin or jewelry or clothing. There are certain factors that increase a person’s odds of developing the growths, including being pregnant or diabetic, as well as having loose skin, unhealthy blood sugar levels, or high cholesterol. Although they are generally not painful or dangerous, some patients find them to be uncomfortable or embarrassing. Some rare skin tags may cause irritation or bleeding, or appear on the eyelid, impacting a patient’s eyesight. In these cases, removal might be medically beneficial—especially since the growths don’t go away on their own. Skin tag removal at Skin & Laser Center of NJ is a straightforward, noninvasive procedure that takes only a few minutes.



Learn more about treatment for skin tags at New Jersey’s Skin & Laser Center of NJ. Call 201-500-7525 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.
Dr. Jocelyn Lieb

Dr. Jocelyn Lieb

In late 2016 she founded the Skin & Laser Center of NJ, LLC in Mahwah, NJ where she continues to treat her medical and cosmetic patients, and further pursues her interest in laser medicine. Dr. Lieb’s mission is to provide high quality dermatologic care using up-to-date medical information and cutting edge technology in an efficiently run practice. Dr. Lieb is board certified in dermatology, is a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, a member of the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery, and the New Jersey Dermatologic Society. Dr. Lieb is a Staff Dermatologist at The Valley Hospital in Ridgewood.

We believe in accessible skin care for everyone.

Q & A

Commonly Asked Questions

What Skin Tag Removal Options Does Skin & Laser Center of NJ Offer?

There are multiple removal options for skin tags. A provider will work with you to determine the best removal method for you based on the location of the growth, your health, and overall preference. The most common skin tag removal treatments at Skin & Laser Center of NJ include:

  • Cryosurgery, which removes the skin tag by freezing the skin using an extremely cold substance called liquid nitrogen. This process causes a blister or scab, which will eventually fall off, taking the growth with it.
  • Snip removal, which involves cutting away the growth with medical scissors or a scalpel.
  • Electrodessication, also known as cautery, which relies on a small needle emitting an electrical current to zap the skin tag. The cautery tip is applied to the growth, and within a few days, the extra tissue falls off.

Whichever option you choose, the entire process takes 10 to 20 minutes. No recovery time is necessary, and you can return to your normal routine right after the procedure. Your provider will give you aftercare instructions, including how to properly wash the treatment area, and other details. Despite the fact that skin tag removal at Skin & Laser Center of NJ is a noninvasive procedure, following your provider’s aftercare instructions is essential to avoid infection and promote healing.

There are many growths that can develop on the skin, including red-tinted cherry angiomas, wart-like molluscum, and darker-pigmented moles. If you are unsure about a bump or lesion that has developed on your skin, contact the Skin & Laser Center of NJ for diagnosis and treatment.

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