Poison Ivy

Skin & Laser Center of NJ


Heal and Soothe Your Skin After Contact with an Irritating Plant in New Jersey

More than 80 percent of people are vulnerable to the negative effects of poison ivy. New Jersey residents are familiar with this common plant, which produces an oil called urushiol. Exposure to this oil commonly causes itchy skin, redness or red streaks, swelling, an outbreak of small or large blisters often forming streaks or lines, and crusting skin after the blisters burst. This reaction is a type of allergic contact dermatitis, which typically begins 12 to 72 hours after first coming into contact with the oil. Fortunately, the rash is not contagious and does not spread from person to person.

The medical team at Skin & Laser Center of NJ has extensive experience treating rashes caused by exposure to poison ivy. Whether the outbreak is mild or severe, they can provide relief from all of the symptoms associated with a reaction to poison ivy. Keep in mind that these rashes usually go away in a few weeks, but some patients experience a more serious reaction that requires prompt medical attention from a doctor. Swelling is an indication of a serious reaction—especially swelling in the face or swelling that causes an eye to shut. Trouble breathing or swallowing are also signs of a serious reaction, and patients experiencing these symptoms should go to an emergency room right away.



Learn more about treatment for poison ivy at New Jersey’s Skin & Laser Center of NJ. Call 201-500-7525 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.
Dr. Jocelyn Lieb

Dr. Jocelyn Lieb

In late 2016 she founded the Skin & Laser Center of NJ, LLC in Mahwah, NJ where she continues to treat her medical and cosmetic patients, and further pursues her interest in laser medicine. Dr. Lieb’s mission is to provide high quality dermatologic care using up-to-date medical information and cutting edge technology in an efficiently run practice. Dr. Lieb is board certified in dermatology, is a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, a member of the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery, and the New Jersey Dermatologic Society. Dr. Lieb is a Staff Dermatologist at The Valley Hospital in Ridgewood.

We believe in accessible skin care for everyone.

Q & A

Commonly Asked Questions

How Does Poison Ivy Cause Rashes?

There are three ways people come into contact with the urushiol from poison ivy. The method of transmission doesn’t affect how serious your reaction is, but it’s worth knowing so you can avoid future contact and outbreaks.

Direct Contact

You can get a rash simply by touching poison ivy. Every part of this plant—the leaves, stems, roots, and flowers—contains the oil.

Indirect Contact

The oil from poison ivy can stick to almost anything. If you touch a pet’s fur, gardening tool, or sports equipment that has the oil on it, you can get a rash. Dogs and other animals do not get this rash.

Airborne Contact

Burning these poisonous plants releases the particles into the air. These airborne particles can land on the skin or be inhaled.

Without treatment, the symptoms of poison ivy usually last one to three weeks, but can last up to six weeks. For those struggling with the itchiness and discomfort, the providers at Skin & Laser Center of NJ can prescribe medications to help alleviate the symptoms. Your provider can usually perform a visual inspection of the rash and tell you whether it is caused by poison ivy. After determining the cause of your symptoms, treatment will vary depending on the severity of the reaction. Patients experiencing a more serious reaction may require prescription medication including an oral medicine like prednisone. Prescription steroid ointments are also a common and effective method of addressing rashes caused by poison ivy.

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