Your First Appointment

Skin & Laser Center of NJ


Please complete all the patient paperwork on our portal to reduce your time within the waiting room and ensure you are seen within a timely manner.

You are required to complete the check-in process on the portal at any time prior to your scheduled appointment.

  • Step One: Verify your email. You should have received an email from to sign up for our patient portal.
  • Step Two: Create a username and password.
  • Step Three: Answer all the intake questions.
  • Step Four: Sign all the consent forms.

You will be able to use the portal to view details related to your visits which include: appointment time/date and treatments/diagnoses.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office at 201-500-7525.

Click Here to Access the Patient Portal

Insurance and Payments:

The Skin and Laser Center of NJ is a provider for Medicare, most major insurance plans and provides insurance billing. If you have questions regarding billing, please contact (844) 266-6366. Questions regarding insurance coverage and benefits should be directed to your insurance company. You are responsible for co-payments or charges that are not covered by your insurance at the time of your visit.

Bring to Your Appointment:

– Patient’s ID or Guardian’s ID

– Patient’s Insurance Card

– Current Medication List

– Relevant/Recent Test Results, Medical or Surgical Records



Ready for your first appointment at New Jersey’s Skin & Laser Center of NJ?. Call 201-500-7525 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.

In the Neighborhood?

Walk-Ins Available

500 N Franklin Tpke Suite 318,
Ramsey, NJ 07446, United States

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